Rinaldo pipes

Rinaldo Big Logo

When it comes to hand-made (fatta a mano) Italian pipes, two brothers in Italy, Elio and Guido Rinaldo are raising eyebrows around the world and are proving that high quality doesn't always come at a high cost. In 1987 they started the business that bears their name although they actually started making pipes back in 1974 when they were only in their teens. They use the finest mediterranean briar and their pieces not only are expertly designed and easy to hold, but they use fine balanced acryllic mouthpieces to insure a pleasant grip and ease on the teeth. Although some pipe manufacturers employ a body of carvers to create their designs, the two Rinaldo brothers are the sole carvers of their company. They create pipes in three different finishes(smooth,sandblast,and rusticated), several different sizes, and line their pipes with briar, silver, and gold ornaments. Check out the pipe images to see a fine representation of their work and well as the other links to see what they have to offer, and the full history behind them.

16193 shape
16333 shape
16473 shape
16633 shape
16693 shape
16873 shape
Lithos model - r209 shape

Rinaldo Logo

Internet : http://www.monjureinternational.com/rinaldo.htm

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